Tuesday, December 21, 2021

Why Should Readers Stop and Jot?

  • Jotting can assist readers in monitoring their understanding of the text.

  • Jotting assists readers in understanding the text.

  • Jots are a record of the inner conversation a reader is having with a text.

  • Jots provide insight into the struggles that a reader might be having while reading a specific text.

  • Jots are a springboard for peer conversations about text.

  • Jots can be used by students to provide text evidence to support the articulation of thinking during their conversations about text.

  • Jots are ways for the teacher to assess readers' understanding of the text.

  • Jots provide insight into how a child is approximating his or her new learning.

This is the template that I used with the students in my 2nd, 3rd and 4th-grade classrooms over the years. I had my students place a copy into their Reader's Response Notebooks for reference as they became familiar with the coding. If you would like a copy, message me!

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